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Scripting the physical appearance is a task not easy to manifest

Too many likes - So many dislike

Changes formed between then and now

Changes wanted between now and later

The many gains - And the greater loss

Wanderings that found no fundamental

Search that found no inspiration

The over giving of myself to others than of myself to me

Making no sense, yet having all sorts at one time

Dress, but not to impress

A character exposing its daily works

Expressing the good, the bad and the ugly

Yet, hardly as accurate

Loving to compliment the splendor of women

Especially ones’ not recognizing themselves as ladies

Acknowledging the splendor of men

Without a given flight of thought

Through it all admiration of myself becomes a difficult task

As refusing personal acceptance at one time for

Expecting to hear it from someone else

Forgetting to recognize my lovely

Not because of whom I am

But because of who God has created within me

Recognizing the careless manner of how others speak

And not caring to know what they opinionate

Proud to express a quiet control of that ignorance

Through the indwelling of The Holy Spirit

Complimenting personal beauty and splendor

Remodeling personal character

And wanting myself to be known for who I am in Him

Taking the time to distinguish

Picturing my beauty as praise to my God

Allowing the elegant lady that He created me to be

Exposing the woman of unusual style and demeanor

In His approval I cultivate a new way of admiration

Composing a great desire to please the One who beautified me

Wanting and needing to maintain an uncovering of the prettified me

To my husband … To my boys

My true Me is now an expression of art

Delightful lyrics bounded with Striking words

Creativity that reveals what signifies more than ever imagined

My true Me has achieved and will continue beyond what was lost

I Love Me

Though it sounds vain

Me is Lovely

Though it sounds selfish

Me is to be revealed in all its decadence

For My God - For My Husband - For My Boys - And For Me


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